I'm not surprised...people always vote in favor of every resolution passed, at least the ones I've seen. I would have felt like I was wrong not to raise my hand even if I didn't agree.
that quiet girl
JoinedPosts by that quiet girl
The resolution was actually passed!
by stillin inwho would have thought that enough people would raise their hands when the resolution was put before the congregation tonight?
based on the pledges that the publishers put on those little pieces of paper, the congregation is promising the wts that they will send $1,000/month to support the society's building funds.. there is a traditional monthly shortfall of about $100 with the basic monthly bills usually around $1,000.
i didn't raise my hand.
BOE: Re: Midweek meetings during visit of circuit overseer
by pixel inyou read it here first!.
to all congregations.
re: midweek meetings during visit of circuit overseer .
that quiet girl
Haha, good point AndDontCallMeShirley.
BOE: Re: Midweek meetings during visit of circuit overseer
by pixel inyou read it here first!.
to all congregations.
re: midweek meetings during visit of circuit overseer .
that quiet girl
I never understood why the meeting nights had to be changed anyway when the CO visits. Why can't he just visit each cong on the night they normally have their meeting?
WT Nov. 1, 2011 (public) - When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed - Part 2
by AnnOMaly inout now.. yes, yes, yessssss!
on p. 26-27 they talk about how the lunar positions on vat 4956 fit 588/7 bce!!!.
"clearly, much of the astronomical data in vat 4956 fits the year 588 b.c.e.
that quiet girl
I remember when Londo was trying to explain to me that 607 isn't correct. Of course I didn't believe it, or I felt that IF the Society's information was wrong, it wasn't their fault. They must have accidentally misquoted people or took things out of context, because they wouldn't purposely be dishonest or misleading to us. Not them! It did take awhile for me to come around, but I did have an interest and curiosity in stuff I read on this site and other similar ones, and I enjoyed reading Ray Franz' books too. I am glad Londo found this site and others, and has been helped to learn about what God is truly like and what is really necessary to be pleasing to Him. And I'm glad he was persistent in sharing it with me. Like I told him, there comes a point when you can no longer keep ignoring the facts and the proof against the Society. Yes it's sad to find out they have to be dishonest in order to support their beliefs at times, but still, the truth can't be ignored.
Life lessons from The Dark Knight Rises... (Spoilers)
by Londo111 inthere are so many good themes.
there is a parallel of alfred not being truthful with bruce about his deceased girlfriend, and commissioner gordon not being truthful in regard to harvey dent.
in keeping the truth from people thinking we are protecting them, it does more harm when they do find out the truth.
that quiet girl
Hey, I just noticed my avatar has bat wings and we were just discussing Batman, lol. Sorry
Life lessons from The Dark Knight Rises... (Spoilers)
by Londo111 inthere are so many good themes.
there is a parallel of alfred not being truthful with bruce about his deceased girlfriend, and commissioner gordon not being truthful in regard to harvey dent.
in keeping the truth from people thinking we are protecting them, it does more harm when they do find out the truth.
that quiet girl
Good points that a lot of us never would have thought of. Thank you! It's true that sometimes movies have a message behind them that may not be so obvious. Some movies seem like they are purely for entertainment, with no message behind it. Maybe like Batman. Or it may have both an obvious message and an underlying one. If we learn to look more closely, we may be pleasantly surprised to find that we learned something from it, or that it can really helps us get through difficult situations in our lives. It's nice when we can share, on forums like this, things we have learned from movies, books, etc.
Can anyone prove that birthday celebrations are forbidden by God?
by FaithfulBrother ini know that there is no mention of any birthday celebrations in the bible besides the two which were celebrated by non-believers.
and it just so happened that on each of these events, someone died (one non-believer and one believer).
but does it mean that just because the bible mentions these two events, that all birthday celebrations are forbidden?
that quiet girl
Thank you, ScenicViewer. I will try to do what feels comfortable for me, even if it means continuing to avoid things for awhile that are actually ok.
Can anyone prove that birthday celebrations are forbidden by God?
by FaithfulBrother ini know that there is no mention of any birthday celebrations in the bible besides the two which were celebrated by non-believers.
and it just so happened that on each of these events, someone died (one non-believer and one believer).
but does it mean that just because the bible mentions these two events, that all birthday celebrations are forbidden?
that quiet girl
I wish I had known this before my b'day in November...that was before I understood TTATT. But even though I no longer feel that it's wrong, a small part of me still feels like I'll be struck by lightening at any second for acknowledging someone's birthday